venerdì 27 maggio 2011

Wisteria cafe

Some coffee-shops have a story to tell, well, actually every bar has a story, created by the people that built it, that pass or stay, some have story intertwined withe history, some others are the nerve centre of a town, where people know each other's first names, surnames and genealogical trees. Sometimes  are located in small centres in the hectic capital cities, some other in the most remote provinces where you can find some extraordinary ones. One is the cafè of Settebagni, close to the metropolitan train station, North of Rome. You bump in there almost by chance or you know it from ever, during springtime inebriate the senses with the colour and the perfume of a strong iron gazebo surmounted by a giant wisteria..
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lunedì 23 maggio 2011

Bar Schenardi

Some coffee-shops tell a story, created by the people that built it and the ones who just pass or stay for hours, but some cafes have a story intertwined with history. Sometimes they are located in small towns, some other in the most remote provinces, or in the hectic capital cities. One of these coffee-shops is the Caffè Schenardi, in the very heart of Viterbo, in the middle of that Italy that it contributed to build. A wonderful cafe at the appearances, that for some time was also a McDonalds, to soon go back to splendours and lavishness of ancient times, with decadent glasses and mirrors, a perfect harmony of styles, with illuminations that remind an austro-hungarian or Gattopardo style dream, with a grand piano. A contemporary cafè open also to normal citizens, as of glorious tradition.
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