mercoledì 30 novembre 2011

Let's re-discover world culture masterpieces

Often who live in the province or close to big cities, even not loving metropolitan chaos, is proud of the artistic wonders that charachterize the Italian urban territory and sometimes treats him or herself with a relaxing day to admire the priceless treasures of world culture in front of which we often pass without even noticing. We have to admit that Italians are a bit spoiled for what concerns the sense of the Beauty as artistic and phylosofic category and that pretty often forget to admire what's around them. True is that the glance of an average Italian citizen is usually more 'trained' to understand the Beauty instinctively, true is also that often are the Italians to know less their artistic and cultural heritage. This happens with the scenery or with the most reknowned masterpieces. Most of the times Romans and those living in the big 'città d'arte' forget the extraordinary beauty, too busy in facing everyday lifes's difficulties while living in so wonderful cities. One of the things that we tend to forget more easily id the typical touristic tour of the main monuments in the big cities, such as, for intstance the tour of the Vatican and of Coliseum. Asking to the majority of Romans how many times they found the time, passing in front of it, to enter Saint Peter to admire the Pietà or simply to get cuddles and treat themselves immersing in an environment absolutely dense of masterpieces as the main Catholic church in the whole world is, will have the surprising result to hear that yes, when there's someone from other regions or country or where they were kids. But sometimes is important also to find again the absolute pure pleasure of observing worlds' culture masterpieces to then go back to more relaxed provincial rythms.

martedì 29 novembre 2011

Dialogue between romanity and catholicism

If you are looking for Italian art in the BelPaese a good idea is taking a walk to religious builings not because cannot be found in the museums, more because Catholic church and religion has been the only constant during the centuries in the political, cultural, civil life of a country with a complex history. In Rome, constance had to join a certain willingness of affirming its powers following a not brief period of obscurantism of freedom of beliefs. Many monumental buildings symbol of ancient Urbe seem to have initiated an eternal dialogue with the monumentality of religious, mainly catholic, buildings. One of those notable examples is the Santa Maria del Popolo Basilica, the less imponent, just close to the metropolitan station. Once was the Mausoleo of the Domizi Enobarbi and, during the first century of the year Thousand, the pope Pasquale II decided to destroy the grave of Nero, whose memory was quite alive in Roman citizens and to build a catholic basilica. During the centuries the church was obviously enlarged, enriched of artworks, among the other two Caravaggio's and one Annibale Carracci's paintings in the transept, the Chigi Chapel frescoed by Raffaello and in the right aisles a limkeable example of that art easier to trace in the Central Italian province, the Chapel of the crèche frescoed by Pinturicchio and his 'bottega', admirable grotesques, probably built on a Brembo project. Admiring those masterpieces is always something good to enjoy with more contemplative rythms also in the beautiful Italian province, programming eventually an artistic tour towards regions and towns that seem to have inside the essence initself of Italianity.