giovedì 1 dicembre 2011

Dancing between space and time

Dancing in Roman streets, following the notes of virtuoso players intertwined with the rythm of the architectures in a perfectly armonious concert between space and time is a pleasure to  enjoy at least once in your life. During one of the provincial incursions towards the wonders of Italian culture treasured in big cities, can happen just to follow artistic paths. In the capital of the Vatican state, that should also be the capital of the Italian state even though it might be difficult to believe it in a city where at every corner there is a religious building overflowing with artworks and marble feasts, sometimes it can be beautiful just to be cradled with this rythm while looking for the footsteps of Michelangelo,  Raffaello, Caravaggio, Bramante, or of the Latin and classical roots of the contemporary Western civilization, a city that "has seen only two 'original' Romans - explained Italia politician Giulio 'the fox' Andreotti - Romulus and Remus", or while going to the capital for some burocratic issue or for a tour.
