mercoledì 22 giugno 2011

Romanesque Routes

Wandering about the Italian province you encounter monumental stratifications that you barely notice, we pass on crowded bus in front of millennial time leaps and we only worry for the amount of traffic in front of us, and the next stop, we watch tourists with a wonder-and-worried glance, they don't want to jump on the bus to work, do they? who knows where they come from, they look Asians or Northern-European. The most alarming are obviously the quiet bunches of tourists, that go on private buses booked for the occasion and that can be recognised with pins, colours, hats and umbrellas. How many times do we see them in Italian cities? an infinite number. Stop and go tourists that pretend to see all the monuments of Rome in a day or the ones that are deeply inspired by multicolor guides to understand, get a glimpse and catch the most trendy 'aperitivo' in the newly opened bar for poshy and crafty youngsters . There is also a tourism made of people who profoundly love Italy and, broadly, the Old Continent, they catch every occasion for a trip to Italy or Europe. Some in the art world capitals, while others prefer less known roads and help us to discover hidden monuments and places in the province that we almost forgot in some angle of memory, between souvenirs from a history of art call and a yellowish postcard of school times. One of the this paths is the Romanesque Route of European Heritage , that highlight a reality very interesting from the artistic point of view and cultural paths that magically cross the ones of taste and wellbeing.


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